
Weather Hazards In Aviation: Icing

"Weather is an important factor that influences aircraft performance and flying safety" (PHAK, 2016).   For this week's blog I chose to talk about icing and how it is one of the greatest weather hazards.   According to the journal of Aerospace Science and Technology, aircraft icing can cause severe aerodynamic and flight mechanical effects (Cao, Tan, & Wu, 2018). We cannot control the weather or temperatures when flying, so it is important to understand the hazard. I did not know a ton about icing, so I thought this would be interesting to talk about and research, and it did also make me realize how important de-icing fluids and ground deicing is. The FAA requires a "clean aircraft" at takeoff under FAR Parts 121 and 135 (FAA, n.d.) The different types of icing include induction icing, carburetor icing, structural icing, and ground icing.  Induction icing is when ice forms on the aircraft's air induction ports and filters, which can lead to loss of power

Air Route Traffic Control Centers and Airport ATC Tower

For my two entities to compare and contrast I chose airport ATC tower controllers and air route traffic control center controllers.  This is all new to me so I apologize if I have some information wrong.   When I think of Air Traffic Controllers (ATC), I usually think of the towers located at airports for controlling takeoff/landing clearance for pilots, directing movement, among other duties.  However, there are also Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC) that have various duties once those flights are en route.  In this blog, I will be discussing what the duties are of both of these types of controllers, and how they are similar and different. The entire air traffic control system is run by the FAA. ATCT (Air Traffic Control Towers) is located at a majority of airports across the U.S. that have regularly scheduled flights. However, there are also many airports that are non-towered.  In this case, other measures are taken to ensure safety and a controlled environment.  ATCT handles

Aircraft Noise Pollution (Bigger font)

  For this week's blog, I chose to talk about the problem of noise pollution when it comes to airport operations as an environmental issue and add my own real-life scenario.   According to a scholarly source I found,  " Aircraft noise is one, if not the most detrimental environmental effect of aviation. It can cause community annoyance, disrupt sleep, adversely affect academic performance of children, and could increase the risk for cardiovascular disease of people living in the vicinity of airports. In some airports, noise constrains air traffic growth"  ( Basner et al., 2017).   It is actually coincidental that we are discussing environmental issues this week. My mom and I were just talking about this a few days ago. We moved into a new construction neighborhood 4 years ago not taking into consideration that a little public airport is about 4.6 miles away from our neighborhood.  We were new to the area at the time.  It is a busy little airport and planes fly straight ov

Airport Noise Pollution

  For this week's blog, I chose to talk about the problem of noise pollution when it comes to airport operations as an environmental issue and add my own real-life scenario.   According to a scholarly source I found, " Aircraft noise is one, if not the most detrimental environmental effect of aviation. It can cause community annoyance, disrupt sleep, adversely affect academic performance of children, and could increase the risk for cardiovascular disease of people living in the vicinity of airports. In some airports, noise constrains air traffic growth"  ( Basner et al., 2017).   It is actually coincidental that we are discussing environmental issues this week. My mom and I were just talking about this a few days ago. We moved into a new construction neighborhood 4 years ago not taking into consideration that a little public airport is about 4.6 miles away from our neighborhood.  We were new to the area at the time.  It is a busy little airport and planes fly straight ov

Legislative Acts That Shaped Aviation

In module 5, we did a lot of reading about the TSA and we also recently read about the layers of security.  That being said, I think that the Transportation Security Act of 2001 was especially important in shaping the aviation industry. This act was enacted on November 18th and 19th of 2001 following the tragic terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001 (DOT, n.d.). The act created the Transportation Security Administration, or TSA, under the U.S. Department of Transportation as a result.  Although after 2003 it was transferred to the Department of Homeland Security. The act was signed into law to not just improve security of aviation, but also transportation as a whole in the United States. It truly changed travel forever. After 911, air travel was at a halt/on it's knees and something had to be done.  TSA created new security procedures such as the screening of all passengers/bags. The primary reason for creation of the TSA was to oversee aviation security and ensure attacks like

Human Factors in Aviation

Before I start this blog, I would like to share some quotes I found from Boeing: "The term "human factors" has grown increasingly popular as the commercial aviation industry has realized that human error, rather than mechanical failure, underlies most aviation accidents and incidents" and " Despite rapid gains in technology, humans are ultimately responsible for ensuring the success and safety of the aviation industry"  (Boeing, n.d.)   Specifically in the maintenance world of the aviation industry or even in-flight operations, there can be both lack of communication and lack of knowledge resulting in human error which can in return lead to an accident . Other human factors are fatigue, lack of awareness, lack of communication, distractions, etc. (FAA, 2012). Human factors affect how well somebody does their job, and it is important because "80 percent of maintenance errors involve human factors which if not detected can cause events, worker injuries,

Aviation Security: The Emerging Threat of Cyberattacks

For this blog, I decided to talk about the emerging threat of cyberattacks/cyber-terrorism.  Cybercrimes are illegal acts that use technology as either the tool or the target of a crime.  There are various definitions of this, but I am sure the readers of this blog know what it is.    I would say this is a relatively new issue that the industry will face in the coming years with the continued rise of technology each year. While the world has witnessed numerous terrorist attacks on the industry, especially after the events of 911, cyber-attacks are a newer and less expensive tactic used by these unseen invaders that can wreak a similar kind of havoc. Some worst-case scenarios would be tampering with air traffic control to cause a crash. This is the main concern because ATC is not immune to cyber-attacks (IATA, 2019).  Other scenarios would be basic system breaches, small electronics programmed to be explosive, the BHS attacks (Willemsen & Cadee, 2018), somebody hacking into in-fligh