What Does Ethics in the Aviation Profession Mean to You?

Ethics in the Workplace

While I do not have a career in Aviation yet because I am only 19, I do understand the importance of workplace ethics.  After all, ethical behavior leads to safe operations, which is the number one priority of the aviation industry.  However, it is required for any successful career.  Ethics in the workplace is a lot of things; it is being honest, on time, having a good attitude, being responsible/accountable for your actions, showing initiative, and respecting your colleagues.  It is the way employees must manage their behavior and decisions from day to day.  In the aviation industry, in particular, good ethics are required from everyone to ensure safe flight.  Pilots and mechanics, for example, must be very diligent and strictly follow a code of ethics.  Any shortcuts, failure to disclose important information, or other unethical behavior could lead to a disaster.  With more than 44,000 flights per day (FAA, 2020), millions of lives are in the hands of people in the aviation industry.  

My mother has been in aviation for over 37 years and counting.  She runs a company equivalent to the FAA but the private sector, contracting out to different banks and airlines to do auditing of their records, mid and end lease inspections/audits, lease returns, etc.  I hope to become an aircraft maintenance auditor or take over her company at some point in the future.  Regardless of whether she is working from home or traveling to do the job, she and her employees have to follow ethical practices in order to not make mistakes that could lead to a catastrophe and lose clients/potentially the whole company.  This means working hard, making good decisions, respecting everyone including her competitors, and communicating effectively, among other things.



National Business Aviation Association. (2018). Professionalism, Ethical Behavior Leads to Safe Operations. Retrieved from https://nbaa.org/aircraft-operations/safety/professionalism-in-business-aviation/professionalism-ethical-behavior-leads-safe-operations/ (Links to an external site.)

FAA. (2020). Air Traffic By The Numbers. Retrieved from https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/by_the_numbers/#:~:text=Every%20day%2C%20FAA%20's%20Air,million%20square%20miles%20of%20airspace.


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